
Should I Open a Traditional or Roth IRA?

Multiple retirement savings vehicles are available but having options can be overwhelming. Each option comes with different rules leading to a variance of outcomes in the short-term and long-term. It’s not that dissimilar to choosing what to eat.
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Can I Retire?

Published by Beth Schanou Our clients experience a variety of motivations to commence working with our team on the development of a financial plan.

Fear In The Market

Published by Jake Bleicher Anxiety has increased as investors digest the debt crisis in Greece and the Chinese market crash. Add the Fed’s rate hike and drop in oil prices to the mix and the outlook is depressing. I started searching for good news – a silver lining amid the chaos – and foun …

How Currencies Are Influencing the Markets

Each day, thousands, if not millions, of factors influence market trends. These range from individual investors’ collective buy and sell decisions to whether a country’s central bank decides to buy back its own bonds.

The Legal Documents Needed for Your College-Aged Child

Published by Beth Schanou As the school year comes to a close and summer unofficially begins, high school graduates begin the transition to a new stage in their life. For many, final preparations are underway for post-secondary education and possibly getting ready to move, at least temporar …

What are Robo-Advisors?

Published by Don Hagan First and foremost, Robo-Advisors are not advisors at all. This is once again another example of a Wall Street marketing ruse designed to mislead the public into believing they will receive individual attention, help when they need it and optimal risk-managed portfolio design.
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8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

As you reflect on the past year in preparation to meet with your accountant, consider these loopholes that may help you dodge the taxman.

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