
Should I Open a Traditional or Roth IRA?

Multiple retirement savings vehicles are available but having options can be overwhelming. Each option comes with different rules leading to a variance of outcomes in the short-term and long-term. It’s not that dissimilar to choosing what to eat.
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Reviewing and Updating Your Estate Plan

It’s been a couple of years since I last wrote about the need to review and update your estate plan. A lot can happen in only a couple of years – marriage, purchase of a new home, the birth of a child. My particular situation involves two out of the three life events listed above. …

4 Insights on Appropriate Diversification

Published by Jake Bleicher and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee One of the classic axioms of investing is diversify, diversify and diversify. It is a practical way of minimizing exposure to the potential downfalls of any single investment. In other words, don’t place all of yo …

Getting to Know: Lauren Goranson

Lauren joined Carson Wealth in June 2007 as an intern with the firm. She has held various roles including assisting the Wealth Enhancement Group, preparing portfolio updates for clients and serving as Ron’s Executive Assistant. She now focuses on the administration of Human Resources functi …

A True Wealth Moment

Have you ever had a moment when it seems like time stops for a second and you say to yourself, “wow…this is awesome”, or you have a wave of happiness and the feeling of being very grateful for life? I define these times as True Wealth moments.

Diversification: Risk and Reward

Published by Brett Carson, Director of Research, and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee Diversification is a cornerstone of portfolio risk management. In short, investors should spread capital among various assets to attempt to reduce volatility and avoid being wiped out by one …

What Does True Wealth Mean to Me?

Published by Michele Schreck | Connect with Michele on LinkedIn Around the office at Carson Wealth, you may often hear Ron Carson describe True Wealth as “all the things that money can’t buy and death can’t take away.”  
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8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

As you reflect on the past year in preparation to meet with your accountant, consider these loopholes that may help you dodge the taxman.

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