
Should I Open a Traditional or Roth IRA?

Multiple retirement savings vehicles are available but having options can be overwhelming. Each option comes with different rules leading to a variance of outcomes in the short-term and long-term. It’s not that dissimilar to choosing what to eat.
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Carson Provides Support to Flood Victims

In late March, several states in the Midwest including Nebraska and Iowa endured record flooding. Nebraska alone has endured over an estimated $1 billion in damages, with more than 2,000 homes and 340 businesses destroyed. With several of our Omaha stakeholders directly affected by the floo …

5 Reasons to Think About Long-Term Care Planning Today

I once received an email from a family friend about long-term care insurance. He was frustrated over a premium increase – which wasn’t the first rate hike – yet, he was still thankful for the policy. Despite the rising cost, he knew the importance of long-term care insurance in helping prot …

Volatility – What to Expect and How to Act

I recently gave an annual presentation to the 401(k) participants I advise. I always try to explain risk tolerance and investing to my audience in an easily understandable way. For most of the participants, investing in their 401(k) has been their only experience investing, so their knowled …

How Will My Financial Plan Change Over the Course of My Life?

Your career and lifestyle look completely different when you’re in your 20s compared to when you’re in your 60s – your financial focus and planning in each decade should follow suit. Let’s look at three financial tactics to focus on in each decade of your life starting with your 20s.

Are You 10 Years From Retiring?: 5 Easy Steps for Retirement Preparation

Ladies … listen up!… there’s still time … Ladies, if you’re nearing the retirement chapter of your life, listen up! Have you thought about what that time looks like? If you could paint a picture of this part of life, what would be included? Does your picture contain lots of color or is it grey?

How to Decide the Best Place to Live When You Retire

One of the questions I get asked often is “Where should I live in retirement?” Sometimes the person is asking about a list of cities, sometimes they’re asking about what type of residence – home, apartment, condo, retirement community, etc. – and sometimes it’s even other countries.
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8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

As you reflect on the past year in preparation to meet with your accountant, consider these loopholes that may help you dodge the taxman.

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