
Should I Open a Traditional or Roth IRA?

Multiple retirement savings vehicles are available but having options can be overwhelming. Each option comes with different rules leading to a variance of outcomes in the short-term and long-term. It’s not that dissimilar to choosing what to eat.
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Your High-Income Years are Key to Retirement Planning. So Get Stubborn

There’s a funny quote from Cal Ripken Jr., the Iron Man of baseball: “A lot of people say stubbornness is a bad thing, but it’s served me well.” When it comes to your money – and your life – you need to be stubborn about certain things. That’s why I developed the Stubborn Money concept, whi …

Knowing When to Update Your Estate Plan

From the family tea set to the most complex estate, transferring wealth – of whatever size and definition – couldn’t be more common. What’s less common but just as important is outlining a specific plan and updating it as circumstances change.

Life Insurance Strategies for Business Owners

Entrepreneur and political figure Andrew Yang drew an important analogy between parenting and owning a business: “If you knew what it entailed you might not get started. But you’re glad you did.” Like parenting, owning a business involves sleepless nights, cold meals and an unbelievable amo …

How to Fit the Kids’ College into Your Financial Plan

There is a strong premium on earning a college degree, perhaps driven by previous generations who witnessed the power of education. But you may find yourself receiving a student loan bill every month, even now as you contemplate sending your kids to college. Though an education continues to …

The Promise of the Biotech Industry and What It Could Mean to Investors

I bet you’ve never heard of Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (DEB). It’s a rare disease where a person’s skin falls off! Areas that are often rubbed, like your elbow from sitting at a table or your thighs from wearing pants, become a constant battle. It’s painful, and patients suffer from f …

Traditional or Roth – Which IRA Works for You?

Many of us all but ignore our retirement accounts for much of our working lives. We look at a pay stub and have a vague sense of the “minuses:” Social Security, insurance, taxes. But the IRA is one of the most powerful retirement savings tools available to us, and so it warrants our attention. 
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8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

As you reflect on the past year in preparation to meet with your accountant, consider these loopholes that may help you dodge the taxman.

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