What is goals-based planning?

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“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but still haven’t done it? Maybe time constraints are holding you back or you are unsure if your financial resources will accommodate your plans. Or maybe, like a lot of people we meet, you haven’t taken the time to really think about what you want. Often times, day-to-day responsibilities and demands prevent us from crossing things off our bucket list. “I’ll do it later,” we tell ourselves.

The first step to goals-based planning is to sit back, relax and day-dream. Or, break out a bottle of wine and sit with your partner and just talk about what you see your life looking like in the future. Ask yourself, “What is it that I really want?” People have a very hard time picturing the future, so it makes sense that unless you are intentional about setting goals, it won’t happen.

Now that you have a better idea of what you want, our team of advisors and our Wealth Enhancement Group can help you to figure out just how much those dreams will cost and how best to pursue them. We take an inventory of your current assets and then work with you to develop a plan. We look at all of the small financial choices that we make every day and ask how they impact the big financial decisions of tomorrow.

Our advisors don’t like the word “budget”- it feels judgmental and constraining. We work with our clients to create a spending and saving strategy. Often we find that our clients enjoy the freedom of knowing exactly how much they can spend on the things that they enjoy today – without the guilt of taking away from their future happiness. A goals-based plan allows for flexibility in case your plans change.

With a goals-based plan, you are in charge of your future. You take control of life and can take on the small and large financial decisions confidently knowing that you have a strategy designed for success.


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