Getting to Know: Jane Vlcek

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Published by Jane Vlcek

I started working for Carson Wealth as the Director of First Impressions in January of 1999. Over the years, I have developed so many wonderful relationships with our clients. I strive to provide exceptional and personalized service so getting to know our clients at a deep level and learning about their interests is something I love to do.

Some of my favorite things to do outside of work include taking walks with my husband, BJ, and our Scottish Terriers (Wally & Watson). I’m a huge a dog lover and Scotties are my obsession! If they make anything with a Scotty on it, I probably have it! We are big Huskers fans and have had a Husker bus and tailgate for many years. I also enjoy spending as much time as I can with my family and girlfriends. This year is starting off great since we learned in January my brother is officially in remission from stage four esophageal cancer. The doctor actually called it a miracle, so we are thrilled and very thankful!


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