When presenting to individual investors, what I worry about the most is offending an audience member’s political views, especially when there’s a Q&A to follow. As our political discussions grow more contentious, it’s more challenging to avoid stepping on toes.
By Carson Group
Life is treating you well. Success shows in your promotions at work. The kids graduated from college, and they are out on their own. The nest is empty and you realize it’s high time you focused on your financial health – finally!
By Jamie Hopkins
Your career and lifestyle look completely different when you’re in your 20s compared to when you’re in your 60s – your financial focus and planning in each decade should follow suit. I’ve highlighted three financial tactics to focus on in each decade of your life starting with your 20s.
By Erin Wood
Having to buy a car is like having a sliver stuck under my fingernail. It’s painful and annoying, I know I have to deal with it, but it’s going to take forever. Might as well pack a lunch too, because the second you decide you want to test drive something they have you trapped.